Seth Neel

Seth Neel Headshot.
Seth Neel
Hire Aspirations Affiliate
Assistant Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School
Affiliated Faculty, Harvard University John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Seth Neel is an Assistant Professor housed in the Department of Technology and Operations Management (TOM). He is Principal Investigator of the Trustworthy AI Lab in Harvard’s new D^3 Institute, a faculty member of the Theory of Computation group in the engineering school, and the AI@Harvard Initiative.

His primary academic interest is in machine learning, with a particular focus on ethical notions like fairness, (differential) privacy, and more recently, interpretability. This includes data deletion and machine unlearning, differentially private learning, membership inference attacks, auditing and learning under notions of subgroup fairness, and connections between model privacy, fairness, and interpretability. Fair algorithms he co-developed during his Ph.D. have been incorporated into the open source efforts of IBM AI Research.

He is also co-founder of the energy data company Welligence for which he was named to the Forbes 30 under 30 list in 2019.